Financial education is a key priority item in FSB's community reinvestment efforts, and JA is an easy way to do it by getting in front of our local students to set them up for financial success!
This year there are two options:
The first is single-day volunteer opportunities in Waterloo’s 4th and 5th grade classrooms. Those grades are doing JA in a Day, where students complete the entire JA course in just one 4.5 hour session!
Secondly, there are the traditional classroom volunteer opportunities, where volunteers visit a classroom for approximately 40 minutes each week for 5 weeks. Attached is a long list of classes starting sometime in February in the Waterloo Community Schools, all of which still need volunteer support. Interested volunteers can register for these classes via an email to me, OR via our Web site
Let me know if you have questions. If you are interested in JA but unsure where to start, let me know, I am happy to have you tag along to a classroom with me, or come with you the first time you lead a class on your own. I understand the thought of leading a classroom can be daunting, but the coursework is very simple, game oriented and elementary kids love classroom visitors 🙂